Week 1: Complete the Analytic BER and Simulated BER for both Bipolar and Unipolar NRZ waveform. This result can be seen in Figure 1, the Analytic and Simulated results are shown below. The code of this task will also be pasted at the end of this post. Figure 1. BER performance for both Unipolar and Bipolar NRZ From this task, the basic information of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel and connection between the BER and SNR (or Eb/N0) were obtained. However, student should pay more attention on the Match Filter and Time-domain Selected Mapping (TSLM) in following study. Moreover, the related information, such as Cyclic Prefix (CP), InterSymbol Interference (ISI) and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT or FFT), are gathered from online sources. The articles, 'PA-Efficiency-Aware Hybrid PAPR Reduction for F-OFDM Systems with ICA Based Blind Equalization' and 'A New SLM OFDM Scheme With Low Complexity for PAPR Reduction' have been analyzed to begin this project. Gen...